Best phono stage for Lyra Etna SL cartridge?

I have Kitsune Kate Lyra-1 mkv phono stage. It is excellent, but my new cartridge Lyra Etna SL has internal impedance of 1.25 ohms, which is too low for the impedance range recommended for Kitsune (3-200 ohms). I have Don Sach preamp. What is the best phono stage for Lyra?
I thought that the impedance will control how bright or dark the sound is. I have slight sibilance that I want to get rid of, so I went to the lowest impedance of 14 ohms. I still hear some brightness. I can't lower the impedance anymore.

Have you tried tweaking the VTA.  Lowering the tail just a little bit (assuming you have a tonearm that has adjustable VTA) can often reduce sibilance.  If this does work, then go back and try higher impedance.  You may need to tweak & tweak until you dial in the best you can get.

Good Luck,
+1 @dover

You may be surprised at what 47k can do for a LOMC  Then too, its dependent on the phono stage circuit's stability. At 14ohm load, the suspension has little movement which seems all wrong to me.