If anyone on this planet thinks an optimum sound system designed around an optimum cassette deck, Nakamichi or no, can sound better than an optimum or even a modest high-end system designed around a vinyl source (i.e. decent TT) playing at concert or performance level gain, then please tell me what you’re smokin’ because I want some of that! Now, admittedly, I’ve never heard or spent quality time with a Nakamichi deck but 1 & 7/8 IPS? Really? Even when recorded from a live source, under optimum conditions, on a quality multi-head cassette machine, in Dolby B/C HX-Pro on the best metal tape, there’s no way! Of course, this is IMHO. Now, 15 IPS on a quality reel to reel machine? Well, that’s a whole other story! Again, IMHO, 3.75 IPS is better and 7.5 IPS better still but no way better than vinyl!