Are Quicksilver power tube amps in the same league as VAC, VTL, BAT, ARC, ...?

I see that VAC, VTL, BAT, ACR power tube amps are almost twice or more expensive than Quicksilver power tube amps at the same power ratings.
Are Quicksilver power amps as good as twice or more expensive brands?
I am considering power tube amps with 80, 100, or 120Watts power ratings and I just wonder.
I don't have much budget (under 5K) and my choice is either new QS or those other brands used.
If not QS, which brands are best bang for the buck for power tube amps?
I need to drive 87dB speaker, so the power has to be at least 80Watts.
Thanks for your input.
Yup, quality amps!

  They would not be in business long if they sold subpar and halfa$$ed components!

I know, I feel like I'm betraying Mike by not buying another Quicksilver amp....

I'll alway be a QS fan.... not selling the headphone amp either.

I'm fine with amps that are total sleepers....there is nothing on those Mid Monos that doesn't need to be, faceplate 

I'm listening to them as I type....huge wall of sound with my Forte IV
Mike Sanders of Quicksilver makes excellent tube gear! His mono amps are particularly fine! An easy recommendation!
So, who has lived with both and can articulate the sonic differences and similarities? Too many yes’s not enough information on sound. I am assuming the primary characteristics we are really interested in is sound quality.