What are we going to do about Tele 12AU7 prices

so the prices are ridiculous,,none of us can afford these prices..so what AU's are we going to substitue foe Teles.
And dont say RCA;'s, I  dont like   RCA's and  Philips Miniwatts were ok, nothing great. 
I need something close to Tele. but at 1/5th the price.
I guess it depends more on your gear. What are you running and what sound qualities do you appreciate most?
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how various makes of tubes sound -- au7 ax7 6dj8 6sn7 and so on -- depends on the circuit/application, the condition of the tube

typically real german tele’s and siemens have a more spotlit character, at the expense of bass fullness - tungsrams from hungary are similar in character, they are excellent subs for tele-lovers

uk mullards are the opposite, more warmth and rolled off treble

dutch amperex/mazda are somewhere in the middle, perhaps a touch closer to the german character

american made old stock can vary as well, rca’s and philips ecg are generally well balanced, with nice extended highs, sylvania more treble centric, ge’s more rolled off

these are generalizations, specifics can vary considerably
It comes down to priorities and what one is willing to spend.  I would have to mull over whether to spend $120.00 on a single tube; others would not hesitate.  The OP is one who thinks that is excessive, and I agree with him.  This is one reason I hesitated before purchasing any tube equipment — the cost of rolling/replacing tubes.  

Some members here suggest the necessity of breaking the bank . . if you are really an audiophile, if you really care about quality sound, then of course you buy into whatever others say you need to do, either to pay or “why bother?”

I would prefer to think that a lot of people other than myself don’t have riches to invest in a hobby and that there are other worthwhile things in life that deserve our time, attention and money.  We have to balance the value of each aspect and allot our money accordingly.  I spent 37 years as a lowly social worker — my choice — and now live on a fixed income that is comfortable but certainly not lavish.  I applaud those who followed more lucrative career paths and now have ten’s of thousands of dollars to spend on a hobby.  I enjoy reading about such people’s exploits, but it’s not me, and I think I still belong.