Problems with audio systems are not resolved by sitting and doing nothing. All that does is allow you to slowly accept inferior sound. See my Audiophile Law articles on Burn In/Break In at, where I demonstrate that systems do not change over time either with use or warmup. You are wasting your life by sitting and waiting.
This major change due to a different room is typical, not a problem per se. You're room is radically different than before. You were hearing a lot of extraneous sound, much more reflectivity, and that is why you now hear so much better into the sound, i.e. midrange. You had "Hall effect" and now have "studio effect". I built my room to avoid the high reflectivity that imo impedes hearing into the system and music.
Go back to step one and configure the system in all possible iterations. i.e. preamp and amp settings, power cables swapped, or IC swapped, etc. You most likely can significantly change the ratio of treble to the rest of the frequency spectrum through trial and error. Try the system without the power conditioning and you may prefer it that way now that the carpeting is in play. Now that the environment has changed, you have to try all permutations to fit it to your tastes optimally. It will likely be configured somewhat differently as a result. :)
This major change due to a different room is typical, not a problem per se. You're room is radically different than before. You were hearing a lot of extraneous sound, much more reflectivity, and that is why you now hear so much better into the sound, i.e. midrange. You had "Hall effect" and now have "studio effect". I built my room to avoid the high reflectivity that imo impedes hearing into the system and music.
Go back to step one and configure the system in all possible iterations. i.e. preamp and amp settings, power cables swapped, or IC swapped, etc. You most likely can significantly change the ratio of treble to the rest of the frequency spectrum through trial and error. Try the system without the power conditioning and you may prefer it that way now that the carpeting is in play. Now that the environment has changed, you have to try all permutations to fit it to your tastes optimally. It will likely be configured somewhat differently as a result. :)