CDP to replace vinyl

I'm going to sunset my vinyl gear (WTTT&A) and I'm looking for suggestions for a CDP that will give me that "vinyl" sound. The rest of my system consists of a CARY 300sei and a pair of ProAcs 1SCs. I listen primarily to classical, jazz and vocals. My first though is a Cary 301 tube unit. Thanks for your input. Dave
One thing to be aware of with CDs is that recording quality varies greatly and is more of a factor than with vinyl. Not related to things like microphone placement but mastering. This is particuarly true of CDs made before about the mid 90s. Before that, you are probably better off with vinyl.
I agree with Baddabob ... I'm running a Krell KPS 20i with a Levinson 360s and I go from amazed to dissapointed by just switching a disc. Most all of my post 1995 CD's are very good to great but some of the 1970's and 80's recordings leave me wondering why I bother. I never had that feeling with vinyl or at least not to the extent that digital formats vary.

Case and point ... The Eagles :

On the boarder - Not good ... in fact bad.

The Long Run - Great sound

Both titles released before the age of the digital formats.

I see many of the classics being reissued and remastered. I'm hoping it will clean up some of the more dismal sounding older titles.

All that being said ... If I had it to do over again I think I'd go with the Cary 306/200 SACD and in fact I still might. I do really like the Levinson DAC but it was spendy and I dont know that a similar sound couldnt be found for less cash. I have heard that Cary has a fantastic build quality and wasnt aware they had build issues. I guess I'll have to do some more reading.

Good Luck ... I'd keep the vinyl however. I'm going back to vinyl as soon as I can make space. I'll keep my CD's as well.
If you can find a used Conrad Johnson DV2b cdp then you will obtain near analog results.