Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago

Does speaker technology really change that much?  As I'm listening to my Klipsch Heresy's in a bedroom setup, I decided to look up to see what $3k or so could buy me today used and was shocked to see the speakers I used to drool over, when I was done looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition ;), were available for a quarter or less of the money.

Revel Ultima
Sonus Faber
JM Lab Mezzo 

And more, are all available to buy used.

Seriously these were speakers I would daydream about.  How do they sound today compared to a speaker that you would spend $3k on new or even a few years old?  How could these $10k speakers from a time I can still remember, really sound like a $3k speaker?  My Klipsch's remind me that speakers even older and cheaper are irreplaceable to me, so why wouldn't I spend $3k for one of my old heroes?

What am I missing here?

I’ll bite, If $3000 in todays money is being compared to 3k in 2000 dollars, if I consider inflation/ or simply looking how my wages have doubled doing the same job I see your point and considering Hi end speakers 20 years ago the best kef made cost $6k and now the model 5 are $20k so pound per dollar speaker prices have exploded. if you listened to the salons(top of your list) and then the salon 2’s I expect you would appreciate the difference.

i like that comparison and that might prove the point of other in that the salon 2’s should sound much better than the originals. Never had a chance to compare but if speaker tech does get better than that would be a way to tell. 
I guess the point I was trying to make is that compare electrical equipment and things advance in this day and age almost every year but speakers don’t have components that advance as quickly. 
I’ve read posts to where the Salon 2 sounds very close to the Salon 1. Even in some reviews. Wouldn’t know only heard the 2s. 
Speakers have changed, though not as much as some would have you think. High end of yesteryear certainly hold their own today. Punching bag speakers carry that status because in affect they are junk. Buy revered quality, upgrade the electronic controls and bingo you’ve audio and Quality furniture. 
Lusted after a pair of Ohm F in high school in 1976. Went through Kef, Vandersteen, Thiel, VMPS, Piega, Soundlab, Eminent etc over the years. Bought a 30 year old pair of Ohm 2X0 at a garage sale on a whim, sent the drivers to Ohm to check and balance(the tweeter fuses were blown), and was amazed at the soundstage, bass, and realism they produce.
We moved and happen to live 2 miles away from a guy that restores Ohm F’s. Bought a pair and they are, overall, the best speakers I’ve owned! Bass, dynamics, speed, a stage as big as your room will hold, and separation of instruments like no other(an Omni strength?). All for $2500!
I still have a pair of Eminent Technology 8b which is another all time great 20th century speaker… still in production. Can be had for $1200-$1500 used.(was always a steal)
A fully restored pair of 20th century speakers will cost you less and last as long as a new design. It is the most affordable way to get a full range, high resolution speaker in today’s market.Just be certain you can restore them before you buy!
(Anybody restore VMPS 40’s?…another great!)