How important is the pre-amp?

Hello all,

Genuine request here for other's experiences.

I get how power amps can make really significant changes to the sound of a system. And of course speakers have an even bigger effect. And then there is the complicated relationship between the speaker and power amp. But I wonder about pre-amps.

In theory a well designed preamp should just act as a source switch and volume control. But does it add (or ruin) magic? Can a pre-amp color the sound? Alter pace and timing? Could you take a great sounding system and spoil it with the wrong preamp? Stereophile once gushed (while reviewing a preamp that cost as much as a car) that the preamp was the heart of the system, setting the tone of everything. Really? Some people don't even bother with a preamp, feeding their DACs straight into the power amp. Others favor passive devices, things without power. If one can get a perfectly good $2K preamp, why bother with 20K?

What your experiences been?
Preamp is like Salt & Pepper added to food. My theory has always been:
40% Speakers
30% Amp
20% Source
10% Preamp

Not all preamps work the same for all amplifiers. I have NAD1155, Emotiva PT-100, Schiit Freya +
So I’ve ran both. My PS Audio DirectStream DAC Sr. Direct into a pair of PS Audio M700’s. An excellent pairing making me wonder why would I need a preamp for anyways. Then I got an BAT VK50-SE and ran Orchard Audio Gen1 StarKimson Amps on the Mids/Tweets/Upper Bass and a class D ICE Amp on the Lower Bass drivers. Traded the PS Audio Amps for the BAT Preamp.

There will always be two camps. Straight Wire with gain and input switching. The other Camp is the reverse (my camp as well) where the preamp provides the “color” and the Amplifier is a gain block. 
“How important is the pre-amp?”

After using and owning many a preamp, the answer is huge! If nothing else, getting a preamp with a solid volume control is worth its weight in gold. 

The ultimate preamp is a transformer. This is the only way to avoid potentiometers of one form or another. The problem with transformers has always been they are difficult to implement with suitably fine steps. Townshend has done this with their Allegri preamps, and maybe others have as well. 
First i owned Sonic Frontiers Line 1, then Burmester 011 and then the gorgeous Dartzeel NHB 18NS, until I finally tested the MFA Baby Reference Preamplifier!!! I bought it and the topic “preamplifier”, has finished for me for ever.  So simple.