Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
These mRNA vaccines were developed quickly to target a very specific protein. With mutations occurring (it’s what viruses naturally do), very specific vaccines might show some limitations. The alternative is to not have a vaccine at all right now, and have millions more dead, while we wait in lockdown conditions for a better vaccine. I am certain that work is continuing to make improved Covid vaccines.
The problem is not so much with the vaxx itself (even if there is adverse reactions and there are many and too much indeed) the problem is the MASS vaccination POLITIC IMPOSED and MANDATED in the middle of a pandemy (even if we could discuss this concept) and his rightfulness in the perspective of pure science...

The problem is that there is alternative to the vaxx, many treatments at very low cost....

The problem is the subordination of the hippocratic oath for the money and the abdication to treat by many doctors BECAUSE of the doctor lost of their freedom to treat for a POLITIC of MASS vaccination,and treatment at hospital with a failed remdesivir, instead of a wiseful selected groups vaccination coupled with the many treatments which are working at low cost, in the middle of a pandemy...

The problem is the real science behind epidemiology population dynamics which is in a complete contradiction with a POLITICAL MASS VACCINATION imposed indiscriminately on all population groups, at the cost also of the lost of all freedom for the doctor and also for his all that here very clearly explained:

The problem is the censorship erasing all freedom , especially in science, by the GLOBAL control of information....

I will not go further.... If you dont know that already.... Please study....
Mahgister – From reading the forums, I first thought you were a bit different, but I have come to appreciate your posts, approach, and insight.  Different can be good.  Words to live by.
Thank you for your kind words about me...

I know that you are a man who can study.... then my last words were not an accusation but only an invitation....

My deepest respect....
The alternative is to not have a vaccine at all right now, and have millions more dead, while we wait in lockdown conditions for a better vaccine.

No, the alternative is to allow an informed people to make decisions for themselves. Countries like Sweden did this and are back to normal with none of the horrible consequences to liberty and economic prosperity of countries imposing unscientific and tyrannical lockdowns.

It is sickening the way some people take it upon themselves to dictate to the rest of us. You do not have the right, the power, and certainly not the knowledge. No one does. 

Nor do you even have the reasons. That is why we have attacks, insults and innuendo instead of open debate. 
Wow, as a newbie to this forum I'm gaining some insight from this discussion.  The result, for me at least, allows a peek into who's audiophile opinion may be most valid across other subjects.
It kind of breaks down into two distinct groups, one seems to values science while the other is content with listening to their own inner opinions.
All worth a grain of salt though.
Aluminum foil hats for folks so hung up on their own self importance they forget, intentionally or not, their responsibility to society. There will come a time when a pandemic will hit with unimaginable consequences, think bubonic plague. At that instance these borons will be pushing their way to the front of the vaccine line whilst wrapped head to toe in cellophane or dynamat tape.