Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??
who REALLY needs 
200 pure true bonifide 200 watts per cahnnel??
My WBers really work best with 1 watters.
Defy @ saolid 100 watts, using linestange at say 9 oclock = 85 watts NOT needed.
My friends 6 watt 250 tube, at 10 oclock its 85SPL 
= 4 watts NOT  needed.
For what? magneplanar 3 pannel speakers?? Guess so.
The green bling. The green LEDs under the tubes. Otherwise, the old MC275 is a classic.
What makes you think of it as hate.

I have McIntosh gear - sounds wonderful. 
That doesn’t imply other manufacturers don’t make awesome sounding equipment. 
Additionally, my statement doesn’t suggest there’s a value per dollar associated with McIntosh that’s better or worse than other manufacturers. 
Enjoy the music. And the system you’re listening to in the moment because life changes:)
Sluggish and fat: no leading edge or decay. Wallbanging greatness. Muscle amps like muscle cars: good in a straight line