Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Master M, how goes the battle?
My room is very good now...

I learned how to create the right acoustic at no cost...It takes me few years...

I listen music with no more upgrading surge or creative new ideas for my system now....I dont contribute anymore to my own thread....😊

Music is so good i dont listen no more to sound....I sleepwalk in ectasy instead...

This evening with Miles Davis.... A true genius....

Then no more audio battle....

I hope that your health is good and i give to you my friendly salutation and my best wishes....
Post removed 
I don’t think the OP had any notion how prophetic the title of their thread was going to be….
How do you treat someone with a low cost medical protocol when that someone is asymptomatic??
Is it a good thing to allow the population to become a giant Petri dish for more virulent covid mutations?
No vaccination is 100% effective, but tens of thousands of medical professionals reccomend it as prudent and necessary. 
And to listen to conspiracy indulging quacks is sad and a serious threat to us all. 
Asymptomatic is a ploy to keep/continue the fear campaign. I STILL see people driving in their cars alone, windows up while wearing masks! Is that necessary??