@chakster , I set up the new table to Lofgren B and I very much like it. Most modern pressings do not go in as far. Very few records go in farther than 65 mm and at 65mm Lofgren B has the same harmonic distortion it has at 90mm, 0.03% Lower than all alignments over the vast majority of the record. This is also the first time I used the SmarTractor. What a beautifully made device. I didn’t even bother with the magnifier it is so easy to read with the naked eye and a bright light. They should sell the magnifier as an option to bring the price down.
I use different methods with my two Luxman PD-444 turntables and 4 different toneamrs in my main system now. I use Dr. Feickert NG protractor.
I don’t care about modern pressings, because 90% of my records are vintage (mainly ’70s).
Stevenson’s alignment method was the last of those 3, this is a modern method compared to the very old Baerwald or Lofrgen invented a long time before stereo or even before proper vinyl pressing.
In the 60’s Stevenson invented his method for CLASSICAL MUSIC and he explained very well why - to take into account that on records with classical music very often crescendos occur towards the innermost grooves.
Japanese tonearm manufacturers have been using Stevenson method ever since, it’s not mandatory, everyone can change it to Baerwald. But when I set up any tonearm I want to head with standard manufacturer settings. Some of my tonearms designed with Baerwald method (like Reed 3p), some designed with unique method (not Baerwald, not Stevenson). Some tonearms like FR-64fx are great with Stevenson and I will never change that. And I don’t listen to classical music at all.