Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

This study that just got published is saying some crazy stuff
Death and Hospitalization rates increased in the vaccinated, and cases increased in places that are more vaccinated than in places where the uptake is less.

"the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated [10]."

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.

Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated (Fig. 2). Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated (Fig. 3).

Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4 of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee (Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated with all three being classified as “High” transmission. Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.

Since full immunity from the vaccine is believed to take about 2 weeks after the second dose, we conducted sensitivity analyses by using a 1-month lag on the percentage population fully vaccinated for countries and US counties. The above findings of no discernable association between COVID-19 cases and levels of fully vaccinated was also observed when we considered a 1-month lag on the levels of fully vaccinated (Supplementary Figure 1, Supplementary Figure 2).

We should note that the COVID-19 case data is of confirmed cases, which is a function of both supply (e.g., variation in testing capacities or reporting practices) and demand-side (e.g., variation in people’s decision on when to get tested) factors.

The sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant and the likelihood of future variants. Other pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions may need to be put in place alongside increasing vaccination rates. Such course correction, especially with regards to the policy narrative, becomes paramount with emerging scientific evidence on real world effectiveness of the vaccines.

For instance, in a report released from the Ministry of Health in Israel, the effectiveness of 2 doses of the BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine against preventing COVID-19 infection was reported to be 39% [6], substantially lower than the trial efficacy of 96% [7]. It is also emerging that immunity derived from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine may not be as strong as immunity acquired through recovery from the COVID-19 virus [8]. A substantial decline in immunity from mRNA vaccines 6-months post immunization has also been reported [9]. Even though vaccinations offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated [10].

In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect. Stigmatizing populations can do more harm than good. Importantly, other non-pharmacological prevention efforts (e.g., the importance of basic public health hygiene with regards to maintaining safe distance or handwashing, promoting better frequent and cheaper forms of testing) needs to be renewed in order to strike the balance of learning to live with COVID-19 in the same manner we continue to live a 100 years later with various seasonal alterations of the 1918 Influenza virus.

And you forgot here the impact of simple treatment in prevention and in cure
Honestly, I am aware of the acclaimed 85% of deaths that could have been prevented, starting long before the vaccines even saw the light of day. Using protocols already safe and effective, that were buried and ignored by most media.
I've been following Dr Peter McCullough for some time now, for example.

Are we all still running with the original story that someone foolishly may have eaten an under cooked bat soup in a fish market, down the road from a research facility doing gain of function research on bat respiratory diseases?
It's the bat soup story, right?

Flu vaccine changes each year.
How can science determine long term consequences of any drug? 
Have their been any studies on short term consequences of the horse dewormer on humans? Of course not, and some advocate its use. 
Ridiculous in the extreme.
The vaccine appears to lose some of its preventive properties due the virulence of the Delta variant. So therefore do not get vaccinated so another variant can mutate. 
More ridiculousness. 
Mahgister, your audio posts were always ponderous but well meaning. Your vaccine posts are equally ponderous but now you are dangerous and serve only to promote self importance and mitigate your insecurity. Have you had a talk with your primary physician? 
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Crazy is right! 

This publication appears to be being used to relate a narrative that vaccines are less important than hygiene and so on.  The information lacks important context in its presentation, i.e. data indicating like comparisons of vaccinated countries and counties in comparison to those vaccinated.  An important omission when coming to conclusions about vaccine effectiveness, to say the least.
Additionally, it fails to acknowledge (in the US at least) there are states and counties who do not fully report data regularly or accurately.  I live in one such county. 

All-in-all, what is presented as a white paper is riddled with flaws that even a lay person, such as myself, would find suspect.
Flu vaccine changes each year.
How can science determine long term consequences of any drug?
Have their been any studies on short term consequences of the horse dewormer on humans? Of course not, and some advocate its use.
Ridiculous in the extreme.

Let me explain why the irony of that last sentence is extraordinarily deep.

Flu vaccines are based on technologies that have been used for many decades, and they all went through years of trials to test for longer term adverse effects. The mRNA vaccines have never previously been used on broad populations (let alone billions of people), and were given "emergency use authorizations" without having undergone anything like the usual safety testing that other vaccines undergo.

In other words, the two are not remotely comparable, in terms of understanding their long-terms effects, and possible dangers.

Ivermectin is not only approved for human use, but over three and a half billion doses have been used by ~300 million people over 30 years, and with an exceptionally good safety record. In 2015, one half of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for “their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites” – aka Ivermectin.

In summary, please try not to regurgitate "news" that you find in echo-chambers that are rife with propaganda. Instead, take some time and do some serious research, as it will help you to avoid embarrassing yourself in the future.