Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
mahgister I find your propensity for endless irrelevant invective tiresome.

Compare your last ten posts with mine...

After that count all the arguments in the text.... Compare the 2 numbers ... I will easily win about the relevance of facts...I really think that my arguments are right but i apologize if i am tiresome....I could be tiresome, you are right....

And you are right , i am a passionate subject and sometimes EVEN with my arguments i may use what seems to be an "invective " or i would say an abrasive tone.... I think i dont invectivate but i could be tiresome and abrasive yes.....You are right....

I apologize to you sincerely and to all here....It is not personal....

But in the times we live on, people die .... Truth matter....
Post removed 
It really is.
I think this is exactly how Galileo felt when the science of his time was settled, and people made jokes at his expense instead of looking at the evidence.
The hubris pouring out of some of the posters here is caustic to the Human soul.
Gives me Shivers.

Intelligence is overestimated, the will to understand is very underestimated...Very much.....

«How do you know that you are the smarter man in the room? I say nothing first, then this nothing could not be wrong»-Groucho Marx🤓
In your link about Ebola were links to several articles on the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines. Here's one:'