Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
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Thanks....Great post....

The will to understand which is created by freedom for freedom  is way more important than "intelligence" by itself alone...
The head researcher of Pfizer, on live TV, admitted that they gave the placebo group the vaccines, half  way through the trial. That this had become a humanitarian issue, and keeping the vaccine from these people  was no longer ethical. 

He SAID THIS ON LIVE TV. They got rid of the control group. 

I don't trust anything these people have to say about controlled trials of this vaccine. They are Liars of the highest magnitude, and are committing outright fraud.

I’ll try to find the video. YouTube has been mass deleting everything...... to protect us all.

" Tens of thousands of people who volunteered to be in studies of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are still participating in follow-up research. But some key questions won’t be easily answered, because many people who had been in the placebo group have now opted to take the vaccine."


Mott was one of about 650 volunteers who took the experimental Moderna vaccine at a company called Johnson County Clinical Trials in Lenexa, Kan. Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there, says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine.

"During that visit we discussed the options, which included staying in the study without the vaccine," he says, "and amazingly there were people — a couple of people — who chose that."

He suspects those individuals got spooked by rumors about the vaccine. But everybody else who had the placebo shot went ahead and got the actual vaccine. So now Fierro has essentially no comparison group left for the ongoing study.

"It's a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it's the right thing to do," he says."

Mott was one of about 650 volunteers who took the experimental Moderna vaccine at a company called Johnson County Clinical Trials in Lenexa, Kan. Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there, says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine."

"Fierro sees another possibility. Perhaps in a year or two the existing vaccines will have proven so effective that COVID-19 becomes not much more than a nuisance. Under those circumstances, the risk of participating in a study that has a placebo option would be low enough to be acceptable, say, for young people who have not yet been vaccinated."