Amethyst versus Nagaoka MP-150/MP-200

Does anyone have any experience with these two carts, by any chance?  I have the Amethyst and I've used it for about 40 to 50 hours now. I think it's a beautiful cartridge, and I'm a fan of Sumiko in general, but it doesn't hit the spot like some of the other carts I've used.  So I think I'm going to sell it and buy something else.  I've had my eye on the MP-150 for a while.  Would be curious to hear folks' thoughts on this cart, especially from anyone who has heard the Amethyst, too.  (Also, if anyone has thoughts on what a good selling price for the Amethyst would be, please let me know.)  Cheers.
Checked out the Lyra Delos. I'm sure it's beautiful, but can't imagine dropping that kind of $$ on a cart, haha.
three_paws, if you are looking for a moving iron cartridge check out the Goldring 2300. I have heard the 2500 and it is excellent. Very balanced and dynamic. 
@noromance , ha, I honestly can't even imagine what a cart would have to sound like in order for me to consider spending that kind of $$ on it.

mijostyn, thanks.  I'm sure it's great, but I want to stay in the Sumiko and Nagaoka lines.

I also just love the MP-110 so much that I wonder if I really need to get the 150.