Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
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For the "naturally immune", here you go.
Nobody here claim that ONLY his immune system will protect him better than a vaxx... We are not all fools...

Like always you are with binary oppositions and warring camps...Simplistic arguments.... Like your past attribution of "tin foil hat" for any unorthodox audio experiments here.... Simple mind perhaps?

But many doctors claim ,with myself, that those which takes a risk/benefit calculus for themselves, being with no co-morbidities for example, can with Vitamin d and vitamin c high level and zinc and quercetin and with some others simple treatment precautions face covid-19...

And sleep better without bothering themselves with Unknown adverse short term or long term effects of an experimental technology....

Think about the death probabilities of the disease....

Think about the probabilities of unknown adverse effects on one kind or an another....

If you can think out of propaganda, medical one or audiophile one....

I will repeat:

in a pandemy with an airborne mutating virus we need VAXX and TREATMENTS....NOT one only and mainly...No VAXX and NO treatment alone but the 2.... and NO need to  FORCED MANDATORY MASS VACCINATIONS....

Is it chinese?
We have two different camps.Mainstream media/tech (who censor any opposing view) and Alternate journalists and experts (who've been sensored. Which side has the possible agenda/profit? I got rid of Television in 2006. I have instead been study and researching (informally) more and more since then. At a point you find everything is connected and the truth all becomes perfectly clear. 
The people behind 9/11 (and if you believe THAT official report) are the same ones behind this whole plandemic. Believe that.
I generally prefer the sound of copper cables over silver. Doesn't seem to matter which components either, I always seem to fall on the side of copper cables. My friends think I'm bat poop crazy that I would even have a preference (I'm sure there are plenty here who would think the same) but I do. Purely psychological? Maybe, but it's psychological phenomena that I prefer.