Speaker Recommendation up to 70k

I have purchased SOTA swiss front end which I can't disclose. They are solid state. 
Got room treated , cables sorted , power supply regulated, a comfy couch and books to read for years. 

Now I need a pair of beautiful and lively speakers to get me up and dancing when the track calls for it. A SOTA speaker that is worthy of keeping for years. Room size is 25 sqm/ 269 sqft. 

Final contenders: 
- Zellaton 
- Stenhiem 
- Tidal- Marten- Wilson 
- Borresen

I don't need (you need to listen and decide) suggestions, I can't travel and we got no dealers with demos. So I'll have to rely on users honest opinions about each brand above and are they worthy of the cost. 

No electrostatics and no horns please. Appreciate if you know how to get the most benefit at the upper botique level of speakers. Some might look fabulous and sound meh. 

Let's discuss. 
You may want to find out what speakers CH Precision uses to voice their electronics.
Also, reach out to other CH Precision owners (WBF may be best source) on how they derived at their speaker choices vs others.

Assuming similar speaker voicing throughout a brand’s product line,
you can cycle through (buy/sell) used speakers until you find a brand you favor, then buy the final model you like. Also, online comments/reviews comparing Sonus Fabre speakers vs other brands may yield clues to help with your decision.

Audio sonic preferences amongst speakers are highly subjective, wishing you the very best in your endeavor
Thank you everyone, I am speechless to the positive comments I am receiving in here and WBF. 

Ch or any brand dealer or manufacturer might recommend a speaker based on their business benefit and sometimes it's political (same country recommendations) and I dont want to go there. 

I have already disclosed my system in page 1 comments, please read through. 

Wilson Benesch , Gobels, Stenhiem and Zellatons are under consideration. 

There is slow used market in Dubai after COVID, mostly sub 5k stuff floating around. Whatever I buy must be initially satisfactory (the most challenging part), or else once used for a day , it will sell for 30-40% off it's MSRP at best if I can't live with it. It's big risk and less rewarding due to the law of diminishing returns. So I have to shoot my shot with 101% confidence to the right match and musicality. 

Hence , the more feedback the more it becomes clearer of which speaker brand is worthy of investing on. 

Thank you again , it's a journey for all of us. 
Perhaps a long shot but you can try to network with “local” audiophiles to see if there might be local speaker owners of the brands you are interested in.  I googled “Dubai audiophile” and got a few interesting results.  Doesn’t hurt to make some local audiophile friends.
I have already disclosed my system in page 1 comments, please read through.

Wilson Benesch , Gobels, Stenhiem and Zellatons are under consideration.
So exclusively it is down to those 4 ?