Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I apologize in advance, I broke the rules today and had Thai food rather than tacos.
The insane hyperbole needs to stop, no one who's been vaccinated is "choosing evil" no one is being forced to take the vaccine "at the point of a gun". And @ghasley you've earned yourself a timeout I hope the Thai was worth it. ;)
And so now I'm evil and the courts enforce evil,  we're going down the religious  highway, how cool!
it’s not hyperbole.
we are left wondering how little people like you care that an entire segment of the population is being ostracized from daily life, their rights, jobs, everything is being taken away.

I used to think why other Germans did not say anything as the Jews were being loaded onto those trains, were being forced to wear those patches. How everyone stood around and labelled them as diseased....... I don’t have to guess anymore.
Can see it in action.
People clap and cheer for the Dystopia.