Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
It was a bitter but sweet fight, fortunately no blood was shed. 

A firm handshake to ALL

AC/DC is GOD like

I’ll try and keep up or shut up


I find all this anti-vax stuff baffling. I got my shots. Barely felt the pin prick. Took 20 minutes. Felt a bit tired for a day. Feel great now 5 months later.
I don't hate anyone, Duke University, the Yankees and Red Sox notwithstanding, and I certainly wish no one dead or even unemployed. Obviously you are free to make your choice and if that choice is against your employers wishes well that's life.  But you are of course free to get another job, move to another state if you wish that's freedom.  Choosing to not take the vaccine is a privilege and one that obviously comes at a cost.
I find all this anti-vax stuff baffling. I got my shots. Barely felt the pin prick. Took 20 minutes. Felt a bit tired for a day. Feel great now 5 months later.
What have you read about covid before your decision?

It takes me a full 3 months to read and make my decision....

These doctors below are those i read about among others...Luc Montagnier or Didier Raoult  are not there nor many others...But the list is interesting if you dare to listen to them....

I dont think they are antivaxx clowns...I dont doubt Fauci is a vaxx clown tough...
Choosing to not take the vaccine is a privilege and one that obviously comes at a cost.
How "cute" from you is this way to present a complete irrational epidemiological decision which was push upon us by our dear corporations and which cost the well living of thousands and thousands of people....

Your "privilege" ressemble the totalitarian offered choices....

You lack if not of  brain at least  what is call heart or empathy....