Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
The rest of you guys just don't understand risk assessment very well. What are the risks of the vaccine? Very minor thus far. What are the risks of Covid? 4,842,788 deaths worldwide. Additionally not taking the vaccine can have additional social risks as some of you have found out. You're all, theoretically at least adults, sit down and do some blunt thinking on risk assessment or consult someone.
Joining late. RNA is not dna and can’t become dna. As all fragment of rna in muscle for a few hours can’t change your genome. Only provoke an immune response. If you choose not to be immunized, so be it, but please don’t misinform. I’ll try to make an analogy. You have a 1000 wpc solid state amp. You add one rectifier tube that isn’t needed. Is it a tube amp?
Are you reciting a mantra or a propaganda piece?

It takes 5 second to look after a scientist pick by chance who knows well that the spike protein dont safely sleep in the arm and could be dangerous with unknown long term effect... they are other studies also with less confidence than you and Dr. Fauci... I dont know why? 😁

Are they all deluded conspirationist clowns?

OH! yes dont read that, all the fact checkers on google say that they are conspirationist...Anyway even one of the top living virologist in the world, the Nobel Luc Montagnier is a conspirationist for the corporate google and for Pharmas...

He wrote a preface to the book "Plagues of corruption", by arch ennemy of Dr. Fauci Judy Mikovits...

Trust google at your own risk and repeat the mantra...

But science is science, a new vaxx technology UNVERIFIED for long term effect is what it is, a new vaxx technology UNVERIFIED for long term effect.... Mantra or not.....

Between Luc Montagnier the real discoverer of the HIV virus and the proven thief Gallo and his friend in corruption Tony Fauci which are on opposite sides again after the HIV wars in this Covid wars, my choice is clear....

Crud…I thought the thread had just about achieved enough fatigue….here comes the double down LOL….corner traps are our friend.

You talk about risk...

Since the pandemic began, less than 600 children under the age of 18 have died from covid.
In the same time span, 900 children under the age of 18 have died from pneumonia.

Never before have children who are asymptomatic in the same classroom as sick children been sent home from pneumonia.
Just an example...
Strange, those who exercise their right to not take vaccine then complain about exercising it. Exercising individual rights means having to accept both the benefits and costs. The cost is that other individuals also have the freedom to exercise their rights, which means any single individual may not always get to freely exercise their rights. Countless judicial decisions uphold one party's rights, the losing party hasn't proved a preponderance of harms done to itself.
Losing parties don't often care for judicial decisions.

Here I'm speaking of rights which have costs. The costs one has to pay for exercising their right to not take vaccine is merely loss of some privileges. Privilege rights don't count for much in judicial system. One has to be able to understand the distinction between privilege and rights in order to understand justice. I highly doubt an individual who refuses to take vaccine and sues because of loss of privilege is going to prevail in any court in this country. You'd have to prove the vaccine is more harmful than beneficial by a preponderance of evidence. At this point, the vaccines are not experimental, and  have proven to be of great benefit. It is likely one of most used pharmaceuticals existent, more than 6.2 billion according to one source. If this not the case, bring your case to the courts and prove it, proof that it saves lives makes for a pretty strong case. I understand there have been harms incurred by a small minority of vaccine recipients, I doubt any court in the entire world would judge those harms outweigh the benefits.
So we have a preponderance of scientific evidence supporting vaccines which courts will accept as evidence. Lack of harms done to individuals refusing to take the vaccine, another win for vaccine advocates. Equal protection clause of Constitution that protects the rights of private parties to institute vaccine and mask mandates. Doesn't look like the courts or science are your friends. And don't forget two centuries of settled law that allows gov. entities to mandate vaccines.

Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege.