Matching solid state amps with tube based pre amps

I was like to get people responses on the mixing a solid state power amps with a tubes base preamp or match only with
solid state preamp.
I have a Luxman CL38U SE tube preamp w/a Bryston 3B Cube. Plenty of detail w/a well defined bottom. Makes an excellent match w/my Aerial 5T's.
I too have my destination system.
Atma-Sphere MP-1 tube preamp, AGD Audion mono block Class D GaN amps pushing Tetra 606 speakers.
Great SS amps give clean detail and impact and a great tube preamp adds fullness and musicality.
OP has never shared what his/her listening priorities are.  This question is as much about musical/tonal/soundstage qualities one is seeking as much as electronic compatibility. 
Have used tube pre/SS amp for years. It's no guarantee but if you find the right combo, it can be great. A many have said, pay attention to impedance matching and spend some time rolling tubes to fine tune the sound. Currently LTA MZ3 into SPL Performer s800 and it's lovely for my Harbeth Super HL5+ speakers.