Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
If that is your level or explains a lot. 

You  wanna show me his dik pics, and also tell me how tiny his penis is? 
The data he is citing is publicly available, he is citing 100's of other doctors that are also citing their own  work, CDC's own statistics. 

That "ARTICLE" is a character assassination hit piece, tell me how he beats his  wife  while you are at it. 

They are not refuting anything he is saying, it's all about attacking the messenger. 

And yes, that 1st comment...cuts right to heart of these silly hit pieces,  which are financed by the big Pharma companies. 
Peter McCullough appears to basically have no expertise in infectious diseases and a total self promoter.

It is like wikipedia...

where anybody with  weights at his disposal  adjust balance...

Are you able to think by yourself?

 Did you know the dude who figure out how to solve most problems on earth and which put his money where is his mouth?

Vaccination of the world...

Bill Gates.... Complete ignoramus in science....A geek...

And you trust his vaxopedia media more than a Doctor who himself devise with few others the early treatment response ...

Trust the internet yes. AFTER brain work and BEFORE brain work not INSTEAD of  brainwork...
I predict this thread soon to be authoritative source for solution to defeat covid. Collating so many preeminate authorities within a single thread will certainly enlighten the 'quack' scientific community.  Guys, thank you for your service to humanity.

And so, I too am headed to the bar, drink my sorrows away after being made aware of the devil's poison living within my body from vaccine.
Dr Robert Malone, is the Inventor of the MRNA technology. 
After he spoke out against these vaccines, they scrubbed his  wikipedia page, and deleted his linkedln profile. 
Yesterday......New England Journal of Medicine Blocked his IP Address from accessing their medical papers. 

Everyone that has come out against these vaccines has been publicly destroyed, all paid for by these big Pharmaceutical companies. 
I just read the Carnegie-Mellon study on vaccine hesitancy and oddly enough it does not mention PhD's at all it talks about different occupations and age groups but not education levels. From the study this is the only reference to education I see:

"Final month (April 20-May 19) participants (N = 525,809) had a median age range of 35–44 years; 45.5% were male, 52.0% female, 1.3% non-binary, and 1.2% self-described gender; 16.7% were Hispanic, 68.8% White, 6.5% Black, 3.6% Asian, 0.9% Native American, 0.3% Pacific Islander, and 3.4% Multi-racial; 23.2% had ≤ high school education, 40.7% had ≥ four-year college; 13.4% lived in a non-core or micropolitan area, 50.4% lived in a large central or fringe metro area. Two-thirds (66.1%) worked for pay; half (50.6%) worked outside the home. Demographics were similar across all months (data not shown), including employment status. Compared to January, in May: 1.7% more participants reported working outside the home, while 1.2% fewer reported working at home, and 0.4% fewer reported not working for pay (eTable 2). "