Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
So if I buy a bunch of Pfizer stock...... Do I technically also own that hot Blonde sipping on her mocha cappuccino on Melrose Blvd? 
I'm gonna have to call my Lawyer to get this all ironed out.    
(....I suspect it's another one of those UltraXdLeftWingLepers ....)

rixthetrick I am giving you information straight from the supreme court, link is at an @gov site. There is more happening here than meets the eye.

I think that behind the covid crisis and the financial and economical crisis, we live a moment in time now where a spiritual crisis of the highest order manifest itself: "Who is human and who is not? " This question already appearing many times  in history is asked for the first time at this clear collective and individual level of consciousness....This question emerge through transhumanism...

All these crisis are linked together in ONE great crisis....Each one of this crisis reflect all the others... Then like you just clearly said:

" There is more happening here than meets the eye."
Yeah....The US Supreme Court in 2013 decided that MRNA vaccines not only change the host DNA, but after that DNA is changed, the new cDNA is a patentable commodity.

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is the law of the land.

@mahgister  A spiritual crisis is exactly what this is. 
Hi, Madg....

"...something is happening, and you don't know....what it is..."

Do we?  Or are we all paying attention the parts and pieces that more directly effect us, personally &/or in our profession?

Lots of moving parts, Moving....