Budget 15' interconnect recommendation

After remodeling my basement I will need to get a 15 feet interconnect between my pre-map and power amp. I don't have a lot of budget for that, up to $300. I did some research here and other forums and seems like the following cables will fit in my budget. I am asking if some of you have owned them and provide some direct comparison. I like smooth mid, low mid, solid (not big/loud) bass, wide sound stage (don't like in your face forward sound), good dynamic range, airy high etc... Mostly listen to classical, vocal, jazz and soft rock. Both amps are SS.

1. Blue Jean LC-1
2. Audio Art AAC IC-3
3. AudioQuest Big Sur
4. Audio Envy Studio Prestige
@geof3 The new room has a egress window behind the speakers so I can't put the amp table there. So I am putting the amp on a floor rack between the speakers and everything else on a side wall next to my listening chair.

@ghdprentice Thanks, I will look into the cables you mentioned, any more suggestion? 
I bought a couple pair of Blue Jeans for my headphone system. Reminded me of the ones that come with a rubber band around them with budget equipment… well, at least they sound that way to me.

WireWorld, Transparent, and Audioquest are the highest sold high end cables and interconnects… in that order. DH Labs I have always found to be very good quality (sound) for the money… but the silver are not warm… all silver construction never is (in my experience) warm. I tried a pair of Nordost Odin 2 all silver ($17K)… they were incredibly transparent, not slightly hard or cold… but not warm.. just absent. The level of detail they communicate was amazing… I had to take them out of my system before I started liking them too much.

Cardas is always warm… choose your level… the higher the level, the less warm.
If you can scrimp up another $45.00, the DH Labs BL-1 interconnects in 5M will be perfect for what you are doing.  They are 100% shielded and use POLISHED silver plated OFC copper with good RCA's.
@hifi28 Think about this for a second. As an egress window, the likelihood of needing it is pretty slim overall. Even with an amp on the floor in front of it, access is still a problem potentially. A rack high enough for a preamp and amp is only going to be maybe 20” higher give or take. I have 5 egress windows in my basement. Most have something in front of them obscuring some sort of access, but still movable if need be. Get a rack on coasters if necessary. Simple to move and keep those runs short. Just a thought.
@goef3 I only have 1 egress window and I am placing the amp just behind the speaker so at least two feet from the window. Besides, the table is not only for the amps, also cdp, turntable, phono amp, dac, HT receiver, blue ray player etc... I did thought about putting coasters under the table. Even I have carpet on top of concrete but still not sure about viberation especially for the turntable. I have to re-think about that.

Anyone done coasters?