Thinking of putting to rest ESL63 for Harbeth M30.

Any thoughts of putting to rest my ESL63 USA monitor for a pair of Harbeth M30.1 or possibly a comparable Proac? Would be driven by Paoli SOB's, a D150 or a D79. Listen mostly to classical music.... Thanks
There are plenty audiophile grade speakers that are comparable to the Harbeth speakers and cost less. If price is no factor than have it all your way. I love Harbeth, PMC, Spendor, Revel, Stirling, and a few more. Even some custom builders do a spectacular job. Keep that in mind my friend.
I swapped a pair of 57s for Spendor SP2/2 years ago. The first thing I noticed was the veil that appeared. I love the Spendors and still run them on another rig. However, I never forgot how good the Quads were. I ended up buying another pair of 57s and they are every bit as awesome as I remembered.
I still remember the first time I heard the 63s can't say that about very many speakers
I went from ProAc Response 2.5 to Harbeth C7-ES3...muy simpatico.... But keep the Quads...