b&w 801n used price? need a sub?

what would be a good, bad, and great used price on a set of these? if i get them do i need a sub... 100% home theater use only.
the audio bluebook shows quite a bit of transaction history on these. Probably worth the subscription.
I would say $6k and under would be a great price for these. Think Krell FPB or similar for amplification. I hope you have a nice big room for these!

Sub is not required.
my room total size is 25' by 25'.... but i only use half for home theater the other half is billiards. but it is an open room.... i worry about how far they would be sitting out from the wall since my projector screen is mounted to the wall and these might reflect light a bunch.
Goatwuss is right on the money. I bought mine in 2006 for close to $5.5K but I have not seen any pair listed for less than $5K since. When driven by the proper amp, you definitely don't need a sub. I went through several amps and nothing could bring out the best from these amazing speakers except the Krell FPB. After Bryston 7BST, Citation 4.1, Mac 501s, CAL MCA2500, I ended up with the FPB 650mc now. At the used price around $6k, I have not found anything better. After several audio shows including CES, I still don't feel the need for upgrade. Matched with Transparent cables and Krell, they could really sing.
But... Would be using them for the front sound stage in a home theater be way over kill?