From SEP, Quine entry: "What entities we ought to commit ourselves to depends on a prior descriptive account of what entities theories are committed toTrue for sure...
But there is a deeper layer behind this experience meaningfully refered to and described by Quine...which is the basis of human technological and discursive activities in the wide meaning of the word technological...
There is an ultimate goethean layer:
Goethe stated: "One should not see anything further behind the phenomena: they themselves are the theory."
Here phenomena are no more an external affair, but an internal affair of our own consciiousness...A slight change in our consciousness... A change without any discursive expression yet... An experience...Not a logical proposition, perhaps a metaphor though...
" What there is" lies out of an unbeknown window...But metaphors related what is inside and outside the window...Metaphor are pre-logical discourse....Poetry on an ontological footing... They express a way of seeing not a discourse....Metaphor express change in the eye and in the window and in what lies before us...
«Metaphors speak in spite of us »-Anonymus Smith