Moving to the UK - Need Transformer

Hey Guys…! We’re moving to the UK this coming spring and I’ll need a step down transformer taking 220v down to 120v. 
It will need to supply gorgeous clean ample amps to:

ARC 160s
DCS Bartok
Moon CD Transport

Thanks I’m advance for your help…!

Where are you moving to? They sell them there…

I am using a 230v to 115v transformer still. And when the Preamp people said $750 for their 230v power supply I politely hung up the phone.

There is a small hum from the transformer, but absolutely quiet out of the speakers. Putting it in another room is always an option, but the UK electricity can be somewhat dodgy.

In fact they sell 115v power tools there so that the tradies can be “safer”. So maybe you could just run 1 leg?
I think UK power could be more like US 220v as a push pull… and the Au is more like a single ended. But the transformers are cheap enough. There is no dirty power that I ever noticed, it just seems to work.

The rack mount US-plugged power strips can be handy if you use a rack…
@jomonhifi What brings you there?
Work, school, etc.?
I hope you enjoy it.

If the UK is anything like the colonies, then I would suggest practising looking both ways when you cross the street. The leading cause of death for US and Canadian tourists in Au… (i.e. being hit by a car. )
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