HiFi vs MidFi

I’m a relative noob to the audiophile scene, having just invested in an integrated amp and upscale (for me) speakers.  From time to time, I hear the term “MidFi” for some components.  Is there an objective or just largely accepted definition for this term?  I’d be curious to hear feedback on what constitutes HiFi vs. MidFi across various components.  
The answer as to what constitutes Mid-Fi versus Hi-Fi is predicated upon the habitus of the audiophile. The average person thinks that lower end rigs are higher than they are. The person with a tremendous amount of system building experience knows far better the true spectrum of performance. 

Calling the designations Mid-Fi or Hi-Fi states of mind/attitude is, imo, unproductive in making a clear judgment. There are clear distinctions in performance; if you don't agree, feel free to revert to your computer monitor's built in speakers. 

As someone who was a budget audiophile for many years, but in the past 14 was reviewed and built hundreds of rigs from approx. $10-100K, my range would be about like this:

$2-3K MSRP  Mid-Fi
$5-10K MSRP  lower end Hi-Fi
$10-40K MSRP  midlle HiFi
$40K+ MSRP  various shadings of upper end HiFi

I am not interested in arguing over or debating my assessment.  :)

I am not interested in arguing over or debating my assessment. :)

Like a good sellers who dont want his price scale contested in any way....


There is no scale high end price for guidance in acoustic experience....

Differences between 2 relatively good but different amplifier, even between speakers, are most of the times in most of the cases, save for extreme difference in cost and engineering in some particular case, less important generally than the change from an acoustically uncontrolled room to a controlled room designed for a specific type of speakers and system...

If you dont know that, you only are a seller....Anyway not an acoustician....

I apologize for being "rude".... But it is an audio thread and truth matter more than price scale association with sellers tags practice....

Differences between 2 relatively good but different amplifier, even between speakers, are most of the times in most of the cases, save for extreme difference in cost and engineering in some particular case, less important generally than the change from an acoustically uncontrolled room to a controlled room designed for a specific type of speakers and system...

If you dont know that, you only are a seller....Anyway not an acoustician....

"Most of the times in most of the cases..." -- for the ignorant. But this is a forum of audiophiles who, um, haver heard about the importance of room acoustics, ok?

And yeah, I think Doug knows all that stuff about how important the room is AND he knows that better gear is the other half of the equation. So do a lot of others. 
And yeah, I think Doug knows all that stuff about how important the room is AND he knows that better gear is the other half of the equation. So do a lot of others.

My point is about what could help us to create an Hi-FI experience without investing big money...

Many here says it is impossible at low cost...Mr. Schroeder say so....It is generally false...Save for extremely costly and rightfully embedded exceptional system...Then establishing a price tag scales common place characterisation is not the way to go....

And repeating common place facts about price tags has no meaning in acoustic experience...

Is a Bernning ZOTL amplifier costing 6000 dollars is less good than a 100,000 dollars amplifier? it depend of the other gear equipment but mostly also of the way the room acoustic will be coupled to the particularities of the system...

I will then let acoustic experience decide not price tag common place facts...

And dont appeal to Audio forum knowledge against my point... My experience teach me already that most audiophile trust more price tag than acoustic science sorry....

I dont doubt a second the vast knowlewdge about gear of Mr. Schroeder...

I doubt his general attitude of underestimating the essential in audio: acoustic experience.... Selling superior gear is not the same thing that giving advices about HOW to create Hi-Fi experience in our own room...Especially when the advices has no or very low cost to be implemented...

By the way acoustic science is not sinonymus with only buying costly passive material branded name treatment...

It is also designing active control devices specifically coupled to a specific speaker characteristic...This fact only is unbeknownst to most here....I know it, because i create one for myself....No one here teach me how to do it ....With discarded junk material... Anyway acoustician dont listen price tags advice but sound....