It is not difficult to understand that if you plays suddenly Mozart in a jail speakers you will create aggressive reactions in inmates unused to accomodate "feelings" and unable to entertain them anyway in their survival jungle...
Samething in a thread where the OP think about philosophical matters with people offended by their unability to understand ...
I welcome him even if i am not on the same boat for philosophy...
Anyway are we not supposed to become friends here not foes mainly ?
Or is it only for cables lovers here?
This is a thread among many other threads in the audiogon forum here.... Pick the one thread you will prefer without insulting people because they use other part of their brain....
Samething in a thread where the OP think about philosophical matters with people offended by their unability to understand ...
I welcome him even if i am not on the same boat for philosophy...
Anyway are we not supposed to become friends here not foes mainly ?
Or is it only for cables lovers here?
This is a thread among many other threads in the audiogon forum here.... Pick the one thread you will prefer without insulting people because they use other part of their brain....