HiFi vs MidFi

I’m a relative noob to the audiophile scene, having just invested in an integrated amp and upscale (for me) speakers.  From time to time, I hear the term “MidFi” for some components.  Is there an objective or just largely accepted definition for this term?  I’d be curious to hear feedback on what constitutes HiFi vs. MidFi across various components.  
"Most of the times in most of the cases..." -- for the ignorant. But this is a forum of audiophiles who, um, haver heard about the importance of room acoustics, ok?
i forgot to say that your post is a bit "haughty"...

When i spoke using this expression ( most of the times in most of the cases) i spoke to and for most people here constrained by budget limitation first, way more than by their alleged ignorance of price tags scale... I was speaking to normal people here not to audiophile snobs...

And for sure all people here know that acoustic is important .... But this does not erase the fact that they UNDERESTIMATED it completely in relation to gear price tag precisely because of marketing practice and reviewers encompassing all audio thread with their own "price tagging " scale, which scale evaluation is not debatable if i pick to Mr. Schroeder his own words ....

Everybody here knows or is supposed to know also the importance of mechanical vibrations controls, and decreasing the noise floor level of the electrical grid of the house...But this does not erase the fact that this fundamental embeddings control necessary to reach Hi-Fi experience are also UNDERESTIMATED and called in a misleading way by most people here and in particular by reviewers : " tweaks"; that is to say secondary artefact in relation to the possible HiFi high end gear supreme  experience...

 I debate this artificial snobbery about gear to insis on mechanical, electrical and acoustical controls, to be the way to  audiophile experience for most...

Then you mis-interpret my post for the business of criticizing me....Like usual ...

I’m not nearly as educated or experienced in the audiophile world as most of the people on this site, but every time I went up a level in quality and cost of the component (turntable, cartridge, speakers, amps, preamps, cables, etc.) I purchased the sound has gotten much better. That doesn’t mean the systems I started off with were terrible because they weren’t expensive. It just means the sound has gotten better to my ears as I acquired better system components. Maybe there is some internal confirmation bias there to justify what I purchased. That is always a possibility.
Since I just posted in the thread here about why people don’t use CRT TVs anymore and the huge price I sold my Sony tube for, I’ll continue with a video analogy.
In the color grading world of video, we have to make color shift changes very quickly, or look away for a bit as our eyes self color balance. Look at an image shot too orange for a couple of minutes and our brain sees it as much closer to neutral. I think our hearing may work the same way. We adjust our hearing/interpretation to represent what we’re supposed to be hearing.

I was away from home for a year during 2020 due to covid and wanted to set up a small modestly priced system to enjoy, even though there was a crappy old stereo there. I ended up with a used Hegel H190 all in one unit, a house brand bookshelf speaker Underwood audio sells direct (a very good value at $2500), pair of their Diamond cables and an very old used Furman ref 15 conditioner, and a $120 AQ power cable from bestbuy. I was streaming Qobuz via Ethernet converted to WAV. Even though the speakers had gotten very good reviews, were touted as a Joseph audio Pulsar beater, and had a beryllium/copper tweeter (I still have no idea what that really means) the system wasn’t great. I couldn’t treat the room except to control first reflection points, but did have them 4 feet or so from rear wall, which was a must for me.

Finally my GF came to visit me and she brought my EtherRegen isolator from home. The system got quite a bit better, and then I started playing with putting weights on the 25lb speakers which I thought finally made them provide a slice of high end sound. I was pretty pleased With the little $8k (or so retail) system I had put together.

When I finally returned home and played some of the same tracks, I realized that while that modest system certainly made noise and provided enjoyment, my ear had adapted and fooled me into thinking I was hearing something that I wasn’t.
 I debate this artificial snobbery about gear to insis on mechanical, electrical and acoustical controls, to be the way to audiophile experience for most...

Sorry. I forgot you were the champion of "the people." Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a gimp in my dungeon that needs a whipping.