Authorized Rega Service Center in New York

Does anyone know address or the telephone number of the authorized Rega service center
in New York area or in the US. My Rega Elicit R has problem with the volume (the right channel is louder then the left channel) so the soundstage is not in the center.
Thanks in advance
That’s too bad that you have to ship the table from FL to NY for something that is most likely an easy fix. Accent on Music has been a Rega dealer for many years and I am sure they will get that table workin’ again! Good luck!

Accent on Music received my Rega P8, which had a Apheta 2 cartridge, which was 3 years old with maybe 90 hours on it.  Apparently the left channel of the cartridge just went silent!  The wires are attached inside the cartridge, and the tonearm cables work, but the Rega cartridge just failed after only 3 years and less than 100 hours.  Needless to say, if that's the case, I'm not buying another Rega cartridge.  I'm going to try a Linn Krystal cartridge as a replacement, which I hope is higher quality than the Krystal burgers were in the US!
Are you satisfied with Accent on Music? Did you purchase the new cartridge from them? It’s too bad that you had to ship the table to find out it was a cartridge problem!

Yes, Alma and David are great people. Yes, I purchased the new Linn Krystal cartridge from them, and they are installing it and aligning it, and will ship it back to me. . . the shipping isn’t a problem, just an extra $50 each way. The shame is that no one that I called nearby in Florida was interested in evaluating the problem, but I would've shipped it here in Florida as well, as the nearest dealer is about 2 hours away.

(One caveat for anyone that does ship to Accent on Music, try to make sure any shipment arrives on a Thursday or Friday.)