I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
hi dabel. And MC come on The Epoch Times? It's always batshit crazy conspiracy theories with you.
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@jond it is not the content that is under attack. As has been said there are lots of 'artist' who use very derogatory descriptions of women in this new age of 'enlightenment'. No, it comes down who has permission to say whatever they want by the elites. We see cancel culture in effect daily. It was revealed recently that one of the gate keepers, Katie Couric, thought remarks by her hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be considered as countering the narrative Ms. Couric approves. That portion of the interview was conveniently edited out as she wanted to protect the image Couric demanded of her instead of the truth. Remember the calls for Vince Vaughn to be excommunicated from Hollywood for shaking Trump's hand? Or the backlash because Ellen Degeneres received for sitting next to Bush Jr.?

@tomic601 you sir I see, are not a student of history. Yes, millions dead. Communism and it's kissing cousin Socialism are responsible for over 100 million dead due to the policies adopted. Venezuela went from one of the richest nations in the Western Hemisphere to groups of people beating cows to death with sticks in order to get something to eat. You also don't know anything about American history. This claim that we were founded as a racist slave nation is a lie straight from hell. Disparate (and desparate) people settled here on this continent from all over Europe. They were loosely confederated and no one colony had any say over what another did because our government at the time resided in England. It was our Declaration of Independence that cut the ties and the ensuing war that broke our bonds. It was in fact our Constitution that paved the way for slavery to be banished. Our Founding Fathers if they had chosen, could have enshrined slavery if they had wanted to. It was in fact the words in the Declaration of Independence, "All men are created equal" that put ending slavery into play. Maybe you and the rest of the liberal mob have forgotten but a long and bloody civil war where half of the participants that died were fighting to secure the freedoms of slaves. I respect you and your audio opinions but your grip on reality is tenuous at best.


Elites? Which flavor of coolaid do you drink, holy mackerel.

I wish the content in the second paragraph of your post above was even remotely true. It would sure make us feel better about the ugly truth of slavery. When Jefferson penned those immortal words, he held slaves and was having children with one of those slaves. What an amazingly consistent person Jefferson was as evidenced by the fact that he held his own offspring that he had with Ms. Hemings as slaves.

Your knowledge of the civil war, its origins, the results, reconstruction and the postscript of Jim Crow for most of the following 100 years is convenient. At best.

I wonder if science will be able to discover that the consumption of some of these newsfeeds actually mimics the results of schizophrenia or CTE. WTF?