How Do You Learn?

After 5 years back into this HiFi pursuit I realize I may need to reassess
where I spend time finding new information.

So I ask you to please list 'just one' source you consider to be
most important in keeping you well informed of goings on in

I look forward to reading some carefully considered replies.

If you want to keep apace of what’s going on in HIFi and have the time to check it out, this is what I do. Every day.

No need to read everything as you’ll get to like certain ones and reacquaint yourself with others you used to read.

All the best,
What do you mean? What are you trying to "learn"? There is no One source.
@nonoise is on to it. Synthesis required, as is discernment….

A steady diet of live music is not just backdrop….
That's not a source. That's a list of sources. Might as well say, "Search Bar".