To clean or not to clean...

Brand new spanking vinyl. When one receives a  brand  new never played album. What is the consensus?
To clean or not to clean?

I  have leaned toward not cleaning until after numerous spins. This may be more out of  hope that conditions at the pressing faculty are on par with a semiconductor factory. Overall  I have not had issues, but once in a  blue moon you do  get that annoying pop that make you cringe and think" I should've cleaned this one".

Or am I simply guilty of the lessening of a mundane task.
I have a dishwasher brush and I clean it with that....been doing it that way since 1974.....I only deep clean with spray solution ,when I buy used ,dirty dont need to feel clean a new album right out of the plastic wrap....
+1 @millercarbon - I know you're SUPPOSED to clean them, because bits of stuff from the record pressing can get in the sleeve,  but sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. 
Clean it.  I run all "new to me" records (new or used) through a SpinClean (which is good at removing vinyl bits and I think the velvet brushes provide a good complement to the next step) followed by a medium Degritter clean with just 1 ml of Degritter solution.
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