Room rearrangement. Cable question

I'm thinking of moving my large box furniture rack from its current position between my speakers to a location along a sidewall. The idea is to minimize speaker reflections and refractions off the center-positioned rack.
This leaves me with two options:
1) Running longer speaker cables  (15-20 feet) from the amp's new location on the sidewall to the speakers, or
2) Leaving the amp on the floor between the speakers (and putting it on a low platform), then running long interconnects from the preamp to the amp and using short speaker cables.
My Pass Labs XA25 amp does not have balanced connections.
Thoughts? Feeling? Speculations?

I've never heard of suspending speaker cables. . what's the rationale behind that?  (I understand some rationale behind keeping electrical cables separated from audio signal cables, but if they are shielded, which most are, I don't know why it should make much of a difference.)

To quote a line which *must* have been in a Bond movie,

@drbond "Strap in, Mr. Bond" --

But whatever you think is the *truth*, this is one of the most inexpensive things to try for yourself.
I've never heard of suspending speaker cables. . what's the rationale behind that?

There's several. Most likely the main one is vibration control. Check out my system, and don't take my word for it but read the comments from people who have heard it. Deborah for example, had no idea, heard it with her eyes closed.   

This is also a good example of how to do a system that maximizes performance per dollar by minimizing wire length, among other things.