Nobody could believe, even me at first, that an under 500 bucks system could be "near" Hi-FI than most other costly system under 10,000 bucks or even more...
It is....
Atmasphere said it right, it is the "intention" of the designer that create Hi-FI or possible audiophile experience...There is a difference between craftmanship of a designber and an industrial process...
Then sure it takes first some gear with this intentions’s designer BEHIND it...We must first buy some good gear from a designer...
If you have it, even at low price, for example a vintage Sansui amplifier in their golden era, or the best Mission speakers created, it is acoustic science that will give you the most important part of the S.Q. even at low price like for myself...
Then money is not the main meter of Hi-FI scale but the ears and acoustic science are....