High end multiroom streaming

Hi all,

I am looking to do multiroom streaming without roon.

I have 3 zones - living room, kitchen and backyard.  I listen to spotify for multiroom and tidal for critical listening.  Roon does not support spotify which is why I need to avoid it.

High end options seem to be limited.  I have found Naim, Simaudio/moon and bluesound node into a high end dac.

I tried to do it with Lumin but their multiroom does not sync perfectly and I get a nasty echo when using the living room and kitchen zones together.  I was very disappointed with Lumin - bought the gear installed it and it would not sync (not sure why you would do multiroom that does not sync) ??

Anyway any suggestions for other brands to look at would be appreciated 

Also does anyone use Naim or Simaudio/moon for multiroom setups?


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Yamaha?  Doesn’t quite have the snob appeal of a company like Naim but I’ve seen it get high marks from HT reviews.
  I found Bluesound problematic with multi room.  With updates, one unit would tend to get hung up, then fry itself trying to catch up to its siblings.  I actually had 1 unit self destruct this way.  After arguing with Bluesound and the dealer for a year (it was literally one week past warranty) I was given a replacement.  The same thing happened to the replacement unit a few weeks later and I just didn’t bother.  In the landfill now.
  Another solution is to get AirPlay compatible devices and then play Spotify from an Apple source.
  Do you really care what your patio sounds like?  It is hard to get decent outdoor sound.  And after a few glasses of Chardonnay it’s a wash anyway.
While it doesn't cost enough to qualify as "high end" for some, the LMS music management software can sync multiple players and also has the ability to set delays as necessary to coordinate differing players that have slight timing differences.
sure. Naim Uniti Atom with Mu-So ….

I have some other NAIM “ kit “ in a different system but don’t use any multi room functionality….just yet…


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