Interesting experience with two very different speaker designs

I wanted to relay my experience with two different sets of speakers in hopes that it might prove interesting and/or help some folks.

My current speakers are Tekton Electron SE with a Pass XA30.5 and a MicroZOTL2 Preamp.  I was absolutely loving the sound but I started getting into the DIY open baffle thing.  I started with a very simple JE labs design with a single driver and after a few prototypes, I ended up with a 2-way using an Emminence Alpha 15 and a Tang Band W8 2145.

After breaking the DIY speakers in a bit, I was really blown away.  The soundstage was huge and very 3D.  The bass was big and warm but still pretty fast and articulate.  Also, the speed of the speakers was very apparent.  I loved them especially on big orchestral works where the soundstage really comes to life.

I lived with them for about 4 months and then I put the Electrons back.  Very interesting.  Timbrally, the Electrons were just better.  The OBs upper midrange sounded kind of flat and beamy in comparison.  The bass on the Electrons, though not as extended, was better controlled.  In some ways I found the OBs to be more transparent in that they really pointed out the flaws in some recordings.  Well recorded stuff sounded amazing but they gave no love to mediocre recordings.  The Electrons just make everything sound good. Much more forgiving.  

Going from the OBs to the Electrons, I lost some of that soundstage magic.  The Electrons, though they have some depth, lack that completely open 3D thing that the OBs were giving me.  However, from top to bottom, they just sound right.  Instruments sound like how they are supposed to sound.  That all-important midrange really shines.

Though I like both these speakers, I'm going to stick with the Tektons.  However, if what you value is speed, transparency and soundstage over timbre, I think open baffle is a good way to go.  I'll say this with the caveat that I'm not a speaker designer and there may be OB speakers out there that really get the timbre thing right too.  I'd love to hear some!
DIY great for younger folks who need to maximize their $ spent.
Who enjoy the process and learn a lot while doing so.
Excellent products from Madisound, GR Research and many otherss
for sure.
When I lugged my 400 lbs of speakers to Danny R. in Texas for an XO rebuild last May I expected a nice improvement in SQ and got it.
Tannoy is one of the oldest names in speakers yet the XO they
used back in the day was a joke. 

Bottom line, different strokes for different Ears.
Commercial speakers are made to do one thing and one thing only, to make a profit.

That’s a rather black and white view. Profit making and creativity/passion are not always mutually exclusive. There are a number of very talented designers and speaker makers like John Devore, Jim Salk, Jim Thiel, Alan Shaw, Jeff Joseph, the list goes on ... Yes, these folks run companies that pay their bills, but to boil it down to just one thing (profits) is unfair and overly pessimistic. These are creative people who are passionate about their craft. They have been continuously evolving their designs over many years. Each successive release is better than the previous one.

But I understand we live in the age of google scholars. Anyone can download ’instructions’ from google and perform open heart surgery. Who needs surgeons, doctors, PhDs anymore. Experts who devote their lives learning and perfecting their craft and knowledge are overrated and driven purely by greed. Perhaps this forum is full of people who can make better speakers than Jim Thiel on their first try. I’m truly humbled to be in the presence of such genius. Carry on :)

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@arafiq, give me a break. You think these guys are nuclear physicists?
Geniuses are busy doing important or creative work, not designing loudspeakers. Any creativity happened decades ago. Today it is only in the marketing. Even if they started out altruistically, with employees, regulations, insurance etc, it quickly becomes just another business. If they do not see it that way they go under Like Apogee Acoustics.