Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
It is effecting everyone, in more ways than one.
Empty Shelves, Higher Prices, and it only going to get worse.

I am retired without any debt then i am lucky...

I retired in may 2019 just before the beginning of the "events" in december 2019... Let say that i just see them happening...An economical crisis , perhaps war, (plague i have not predicted it not being a psychic).

I am lucky i begin retirement when we are all advised to be locked out politely at the beginning of this fever of  fear which have blinded us now with mandates...

This economic crisis is between a fallen empire and a new empire, between a notion of money and some others notion... Stagflation is inevitable....Robotisation of works and minds speed up so greatly i am astounded being old and accustomed to a complete other world than the world we live in now...I am not alone many fols here are of the same generation...

The real war now is not so much between China and US, than between technogical idolatry of corporate interests and humanity...

Now for the matter of this thread:

I just bought an ebike this summer just in time before lack of pieces and delay in the supply chain would hit this type of toy...Next year i doubt to be able to buy one like the cheap price i paid for (1600 bucks)...

I broke the stand feet of the bike and the seller say: no replacement piece because of delay or whatever....

I am 70 years old and i feel pity for young people...

I realized my dream of Hi-Fi at no cost in the last 2 years....

Now i am behind a screen reading news that may awake us, but it seems people sleep by choices, by fear, by drugs, by lies, and crushed by their own weight...

I apologize ... I just realize most of my post made no meaning in this thread... But i will not erase it...I like communication between people....Truth cannot be erased anyway only put under the blanket...But our blanket will be only dust tomorrow...

yes of course…. I led teams that built things with 4 million parts, supply chain issues always a reality…

sometimes a black art, but always an art…
High demand? Containers remain on the dock with insufficient help to load them on the few tractor trailers? Lack of truck drivers to move the stuff to the stores for their shelves. Cargo ships wait out at sea because they can’t get off loaded. Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs. Southwest airlines cancelled over 1000 flights because of pilot shortage and the vaccine mandate. Now they have relented. But the vaccine mandate may be the final straw to break the fragile on time shipping/stocking system. Then too, they have spent 1 1/2 yrs scaring the crap out of people with the flu which has a 99.5 % recovery rate. This hasn’t helped either. But because this is negative news, they roll out the "unusual high demand" idea in hopes that people will buy into it. I don’t.
As to how it has effected my audio, I was planning to send my JLTi phono preamp down to Australia for an upgrade. But now, I’m not sure it is a good idea due to everything being at a crawl now. On a positive note, I could sell my 2018 Silverado pickup for the price I paid for it. But IF hyperinflation hits like it did in Venezuela , the $$$ will be worth less than the pickup. I hope @mahgister (& I) are wrong about the future
Yep for sure. Was wanting to get a Schiit Jot 2 to use as a pre amp and HP amp. Didn’t want to wait 6-8 weeks so went with an RME dac instead since it was available. Hopefully it’s a good second option.