Analytical or Musical Which way to go?

The debate rages on. What are we to do? Designing a spealer that measures wellin all areas shoulkd be the goal manufacturer.
As allways limtiations abound. Time and again I read designers yo say the design the speaker to measure as best they can. But it just does not sound like music.

The question is of course is: what happens when the speaker sounds dull and lifeless.

Then enters a second speaker that sounds like real music but does not have optimum mesurements?

Many of course would argue, stop right there. If it does not measure well it can't sound good.

I pose the question then how can a spekeer that sounds lifeless be acurrate?

Would that pose yhis question. Does live music sound dull and lifeless?
If not how can we ever be be satisified with such a spseker no matter how well it measures?
No sound from speakers without amp.

Amp got it easy without a source.

No hear sound without ears, brain.

My ears look funny. How about yours? When I cup my hands behind them everything becomes more musical! Cheap tweak! Girls laugh though. Bummer!

How many audiophiles understand the intricate details of how the brain works?

How many neurologists even? Any audiophile neurologists or neurosurgeons out there? Please help us.
Robert fulton Got it very right!..I have no idea how his speakers measure but they sure do capture a great deal of musical information, color, tone, dynamics, etc..

In short They Resemble the real McCoy

Musical Arts
How do you know that what where measuring for is really the way to a great sounding loudspeakers? Would have to have the assumption that designers truly know what to measure, how to measure it and if it really has a major effect on quality. And while we have made much progress loudspeaker design relies on measurement, simulations but mostly on ideas skill talent and yes listening.
"Years ago a Supreme Court Justice, in describing Porn said, 'I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I know it when I see it.' (Paraphrase)"

They went on to leave it up to community standards. What's obscene in a small town would not be obscene in the big city.

So like most speaker designers/ reviewer5s they punted.
In light of the fact that there are so many variables that comprise your stereo , I feel you have to go with what sound pleases you, the musicality camp over accuracy. Look, we have an amplifier, preamp,cd player and possible a separate DAC, turntable cartridge and tonearm, cabling, stands,speakers,footers etc. Then you place those in a room, no two of which are alike. You treat that room (or not) with differing products. Then add in that everyone's hearing is different. What if youre over 45 like a lot of us and you have some degree of presbycussis. What use are masurements against all those many variables? If someone says this component measures perfectly flat (as few ever do), how is the person with some hearing loss going to perceive that as opposed to someone with perfect hearing? IMHO 'tis a far far better thing I do to buy components and treat my room in a manner that gives me a sound I like and that I can listen to for hours without listener fatigue.