Amps In Wall Or Conditioner?

Stereo amp and subwoofer amp, both with upgrade PCs, plugged straight into (upgraded) wall outlets.
Same with tube preamp.

Now getting power conditioner for use on DAC, streamers, CD, maybe even analog sources. 
Conditioner has 2 high-current outlets. Majority opinion says don't use these for amps.
If not, how about preamp and/or DAC? Any foreseeable benefit or detriment of high-current vs. linear filtered?
tomic601 +1. Fortunately, no wall warts in the system and DAC is a good one. If an electrician ever shows up I will have him follow your advice.

grannyring, have definitely looked at Puritan, which must be the gold standard as many other users verify your results. Given a larger budget and readier availability, Puritan is where I would go. For now, if the AQ Niagara can just clean up the DAC and streamers, I will call it a success.

Understand completely.  Folks love the Niagara.  Tvad here liked it more than the Puritan 🙂.  What’s most important is you just need to try for yourself.  Trial period would be great! 
@nonoise, if the power supply is not doing it's job correctly then you need to buy better equipment. And, on what basis are you making this statement, by what you hear or by actual testing of power supplies?
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I have my Canary Mono Amps directly in the wall on a dedicated 20 amp line.
I was told by my amp builder to not plug amps into a PC.

      I agree 100%