Can someone suggest a lush tube integrated under $3000 used

My main system it’s solid state preamp and amp. I’ll through in a tube preamp on occasions. Somedays I just miss the lush involving syrupy tube sound with small jazz and blues recordings. I know highs may be rolled off,  not a lot of slam but can be so involving you lose track of time. This amp will be matched with some Joseph Audio first gen Pulsar, LSA 2 statement tower with ribbon tweeter and some Tiny Dancers. 

I’ve heard good things of the Cary, Ayon, maybe an old Conrad Johnson cav 50, I just don’t have much experience with integrated amps. My speakers aren’t the most efficient. 

One thing is for sure, all 20 watt tube amplifiers aren't the same nor are 87 db sensitivity speakers (Some are simply easier impedance loads than others). Sensitivity alone doesn't present the entire picture.

Fortunately Raven Audio has a very generous 45 day home trial period.  No better way to determine if their 20 watt amplifier is right for your particular situation. 
If it has not already become apparent, you will be best served by not giving any additional credence to those persons whose only apparent reason for frequenting this forum is to obsessively advertise brands that they own.
MC, is your Blackhawk "lush and syrupy'? If so, sorry for  you. If not, nice try and thanks for playing........

Fortunately Raven Audio has a very generous 45 day home trial period.
 With shipping both ways and restock fee that could get kind of pricey. But it's the only way to know for sure.
