NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
What's wrong with people here? NY is one of the greatest cities, not just in the US but around the world. I was in Manhattan for a few days last week. Given the massive number of people who are out and about on a daily basis at all times of the day and night, the city is remarkably clean, safe, and well organized, relatively speaking of course. I'm always amazed at the energy, creativity, arts/music scene, and diversity every time I visit this amazing city. Why can't we appreciate the good and set aside our political beliefs and grievances for a change.

There are too many here who can't help themselves and jump at any opportunity to spew their hate. It's all part of "owning" someone that they've been so easily conditioned to do. It's second nature for them.
Pavlov was right.

All the best,
NY is one of the few states that pays more to the Federal Government than it takes in, which helps to allow people to live in their comfortable bubbles in less-populous states that suck money from the Government like a Hoover to even be viable. 

Let's see if we can follow the twisted liberal logic here. What makes the "comfortable bubbles" in the "less populous states" is the money they "suck from the Government like a Hoover" without which they would not "even be viable".   

See? It isn't the way Texas produces oil and cattle. It isn't the way the farmers in Kansas produce so much corn. Why, it isn't that people are productive at all! They're just dumb vacuum cleaners sucking money from government!   

Just one question soix, what exactly is it that government produces? I know government produces taxes and regulations. I know government has a whole army of people it pays to extract taxes and compliance, but what exactly does government produce? Besides debt. 

Rhetorical question. I know you can't answer. You know you can't answer. Loopy liberal logic depends on no one ever pointing out the logic being loopy. Frankly, it is a lie. 
@arafiq   Agree for 100%   NY- is the World Capital, dont bring political 
bul-----t , 
As usual, MC Yammer gets it all wrong. Here's a complete breakdown of who gets what from whom.

In Texas, for every dollar they send to the feds, they get back $673 per person and in Iowa, they get back $1,492 per person for every dollar they pay. Funny that, huh?

And the biggest welfare recipients are in good ol' Kentucky, where the per person welfare amounts to a staggering, $14,153 for every dollar they send to the feds. 

If you really want to end welfare, I can think of no better way than to limit what you get from government what you pay into government and stop with all the BS about the takers, homeless, etc. 

I can see where a hundred years ago, those in those welfare states were all running around toothless with their mullets and confederate flags but nowadays, give me a break.

All the best,