NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

It's in NY are you kidding???? You will probably have to show vaccinations card, jab video, mask receipt, and a current DNC membership card! NY is national joke and a disgrace with the way they have handled COVID-19. IMO 🙁
It really irks me to see posts like this on an audio site. My guess is that this is some angry old man that is learning how to use emojis.  
Are you really that stupid???
The real Einstein was never asked that in his life. 👍 

Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely. We had aged bone in rib eyes and did some listening on my system as then configured, when I still lived in NY. Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He's quite a funny, smart fellow. 
Tell ya one thing if you are thinking about moving- make sure wherever it is has good Italian food. Kind of surprising, but that's one of the things I do miss from NY. Have fun, those who go. 
Arafiq- the demographic here is mostly retired white republicans with disposable incomes. You are surprised at these senile boomers’ responses?
@nitewulf- I’ll disagree to the extent that the NYC demographic is as you described. As to defending the mindset of the over 60 or whatever crowd, I’m not going to argue that. I had a neighbor when I lived there that still drove himself in to see shows in his mid-90s and of interest, worked for Wild Bill Donovan (more a historical footnote than anything of significance).
I don’t live there anymore, but I think your characterization based on my having lived in NY metro for over 35 years is simply wrong.
