While I can’t add constructively to the discussion between the two DACs you’re considering, I do want to share an observation which I hope will be helpful. Given the level of the two DACs you’re evaluating, I believe you will be leaving a significant amount of their performance on the table if sourcing them with a Bluesound Node or Moon MiND2. I have directly compared streamers both of those streamers (I have a Node 2i in a kitchen system - it’s great for what it is) to better units. In A/B comparisons, my Aurender, and now Auralic Aries G2 series streamer handily outperformed the Bluesound in terms of spatial depth, and low level detail. The Node2i sounded “flat” spatially in comparison. There are a number of us here who believe the source is as important as the DAC. In my own case, it was more impactful - which surprised me.
And, I had the opportunity to directly compare my Auralic unit against the Mind2 unit built into Sim Audio’s 680 DAC (as I was able to separate DAC and streamer functions). I did this at the dealer that caries Sim. We both agreed - no contest in favor of the Auralic. Sim’s DAC is pretty sweet though and definitely worth a listen, too, but I would upgrade to a different streamer than what’s built in so as to enjoy the significant benefits of their DAC. I’m aware that some of the others in this thread will prefer Aurender - another line of streamers that’s very, very good and well worth auditioning, too.