Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.

1-5 Every moment wasted on YouTube.
No time for babysitting LPs.
I for one don't HAVE to listen.
Pity on "we."
For me the turntable/digital debate or tube/S.S. debate are the 4 reasons why audiophiles focus on gear instead of embeddings controls, electrical and mechanical, and especially acoustic...

I dont understand why people dont understand that there is very good digital/analog/Tubes/S.S. products all all scale level...

Reading all this marketing and sometimes bullshit hide for me the important and essential factors to reach Hi-Fi ....

It is not analog or digital gear nor Tube or S.S. gear in itself the key...

It is acoustic one of the main and the most important factor all other things being equal....

In a word a good dac can be superior or inferior to some turntables and vice versa most of the times...Same for tube or S.S. and arguing about that is more than often marketing hype...

The question is how at the least cost could i create a good audio system?

The question is not and never was : what is the BEST gear?

Reading less audio magazine and experimenting was for me the road....

I may create a thread:
Top 5 reasons why never reading audio magazine or audio thread when your gear is already bought....


I like the human factor of Guttenberg chronicle when i listened some in the past though....My post is not a critic of this man or a critic of anyone by the way....

I can't believe how seriously most of you took this. I just smiled at it. At worst it was a discussion.