NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
nonoise - "The real Einstein was never asked that in his life 👍" Tesla debunked gravity and said Einstein was a shill. TRUE (no offense meant or directed towards millercarbon, at all)
Smart people want to understand the truth. Smart people LIKE to admit they were wrong. Some would rather hone their debating skills in which is not questionable as to why.
Gotta love @audition__audio ’s attack on me for responding to the outrageous stuff posted on here. I guess he’s fine with the alt right hate spewed around here like it was farcebook instead of an audio site but I guess it shows where he stands.

As for the use of "Karen", in case you’ve missed it, the use of "Chad" fell out of favor a while back and they’re now known as male Karens since they were making all the headlines anyway. Besides, sometimes it’s fun to sink down to others levels since that’s the only way to reach them, and it looks like I did. 👍

And as for my leaving if I don’t like it, how better to describe this as your safe space, Karen.

All the best,