What song have you played the most?

Not heard on the radio, but you mechanically involved with the selection. 
Poco- Rose of Cimarron

(My wife says I ruin songs.)
Pink Floyd's "Time" from Dark Side of the Moon
I find it a good why to test a system, components, and cables. Let's me know in seconds whether everything is as it should be, If I am lucky I enjoy the music, otherwise I fix it.
David Bowie's version of "Wild is the Wind" from an absolutely great live set from an early 2000's Japan show (I believe)... can play it 100 times in a row and never tire of it.
Maybe You’re the Reason by The Japanese House.  Best quality recording I have ever heard.  Great demo song for your sound system.
Last ten years: Mary Chaplin Carpenter—Come On, Come On
Previous twenty years: Charles Mingus—Goodbye Porkpie Hat, from Three or Four Shades of Blue